




  If I want to buy a light in a shop and I don't find a light that I like, I think to myself what would I like? What would I like to buy? Then I started to imagine and design it for myself a lot of the time.
  ——Marc Newson
  Lighting is usually an afterthought in landscape architecture. The task is mostly left for the lighting sales representatives who, in turn, assign a lighting design that has nothing to do with the landscape. Given this generic rule, one would not expect lighting to form the MAIN conceptual approach for landscape architecture straightaway. But let me tell you, there ARE exceptions to this rule. That is to say, there are rare landscapes where lighting plays a central role in livening up the place. These areas develop various languages during day and night, thus offering a variety of experiences in the same place at different times.” Below are 4 examples of such cases:
  英国设计师Es Devlin被选中在2020年迪拜世博会上创建英国馆,其正面石由简单的LED灯结构组成。20米高的锥形展馆将由一排突出的板条组成,这些板条从一个中心点向外延伸,形成一个圆形立面,最终将由众多人工智能操控着LED灯组并形成“空间信息”。
  British set designer Es Devlin has been chosen to create the UK Pavilion at the Dubai Expo 2020, with a performative structure that will use artificial intelligence to write poems.The 20-metre-high, cone-shaped pavilion will be made up of rows of protruding slats that extend outwards from one central point to form a circular facade. Poems lit up in LEDs will scroll across the facade.
  英国馆灯光信息理念的想法来源于斯蒂芬·霍金的最终项目之一:“突破信息”,这不仅是一个设计理念的突破,同时也是一场全球性的竞争。Es Devlin将她的标志性光与技术结合起来,将展馆设想成一种向宇宙传递信息的装置。而外部的参观路径是通过一个照明迷宫抵达,这个迷宫展示了英国在人工智能和照明艺术方面的进步,增强体验感又丰富了氛围营造,同时也令全球瞩目。
  The idea draws directly on one of Stephen Hawking’s final projects, ‘Breakthrough Message’, a global competition.Working with her signature combination of light and technology, the artist conceived the pavilion as a device that will be set up to transmit a ‘message to space". Visitors arrive through an illuminated maze featuring augmented reality enriched exhibits on British advances in artificial intelligence and light.
  Mifuneyama Rakuen,九州岛
  The deep connection between people and nature is the central theme of this fantastical -- it must be said, slightly trippy -- exhibition by teamLab, a Tokyo-based art collective that specializes in combining art with technology to create unique, immersive experiences.“A Forest Where Gods Live" is a digital landscape art project, that uses lights,projections, sensors and sound to turn nature into a work of art.
  teamLab 的创始人 Inoko:“我可以用自然创造事物”。用锦鲤和小船的舞蹈创造的莲花水面;砚石,一块9英尺高的岩石,由一棵活树加冕,是一个照亮禅宗书法的画布;巨大的杜鹃花园等等。Inoko通过在植物周围隐藏灯光和传感器来做到这一点,这种效果是神奇的,吸引人们注意自然世界的宁静之美。
  Toshiyuki Inoko, teamLab's founde: "I can create things using nature just as it is."Drawing on the Water Surface with Lotus Flowers, Created by the Dance of Koi and Small Boats;Enso of Split Rock Maple;Resonating Azalea Valley。He does this by hiding lights, projectors and sensors on and around the plants, but how exactly the technology works is a closely guarded trade secret. The effect is magical, and mesmerizing, drawing attention to both the quiet beauty of the natural world, and the glittering drama of the digital displays.
  马斯达尔城将把Eco²-Firendly-City和生活品质提升到一个新的高度,并向世界定义了未来的城市都应该怎样建成。此外,正在建设中的马斯达尔总部大楼屋顶上,将建造的巨大的可移动式光伏照明系统 ——这是世界上第一个。
  Masdar City will take Eco-sustainable development and living to a new level and will lead the world in understanding how all future cities should be built. Masdar headquarters building under construction receives its power for construction from a vast PV array on its roof built ahead of the remaining structure – a world-first.
  Giant umbrellas, with a design based on the principles ofsunflowers,The solar powered ‘sunflower’ umbrellas capture the sun’s rays during the day, fold at night releasing the stored heat, and open again the next day. They follow the projection of the sun to provide continuous shade during the day. It will provide moveable shade in the day, store heat, then close and release the heat at night in the plaza of a new eco-city in the United Arab Emirates.
  Some other key innovations of the winning plan include: Building façade angles that can be altered to offset or optimise solar glare. Materials on wall surfaces respond to changing temperatures and contain minimal embedded energy. Water features can be stored underground during the day and at night trickle or flow strongly, triggered by passersby.
  Interactive, heat sensitive technology activates lighting in response to pedestrian traffic and mobile phone usage.
  Studio Roosegarde designed this bicycling path as a tribute to Van Gogh on his 125th death anniversary in his hometown, Eindhoven. The solar-powered LED lighting produces amazing blue and green twinkling stars on the bike track.
  This design greatly popularized the path and gave more meaning to its purpose in the town. Now, Eindhovenians use it for biking, walking, chatting, romance, and many other social purposes that never occurred here before.






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